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Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

About CMB

About CMB

Cynthia Keith is 50 years young; the oldest of 4 siblings; the mother of 3 adult  children (2 sons & 1 daughter); and was born & raised in Chicago, IL. She  obtained her Associate of Arts Degree in Business at Benedictine University in  December 2014 and is currently pursuing a BA in Health Care Leadership at  National Louis University, Chicago. Cynthia has worked in the Federal  Government system for the past 19 years.  

Although employed in a professional setting, Cynthia “works her colors” without  being incongruous. Known by her peers as "The Lady of Bold Colors" with a  distinctive array of shoes, Cynthia has her own unique flavor of style. She is an  original. As a kid, she developed a “Love for Fashion” and has cultivated that  initial spark into an explosion of vibrant styling ability.  

Cynthia has allowed God to come alive via the scripture in Psalms 139:14: I will  praise thee; for I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works;  and that my soul knoweth right well. With this passage as a guiding principle, she decided to expand her gift of styling. She took a bold step forward and  started her own business, “Cover Me Bold, LLC” in January 2017. With fashion  shoes being her first love, her dream was to open a shoe boutique. The pursuit  was arduous and has not come to fruition, yet.  

In the interim, Cynthia tapped into developing a unisex sock line that debuted August 18, 2019. During this Upscale Sock Soiree Kickoff, she shared a part of  her life story that many were unaware of. Cynthia was inspired to start her sock  line during her laborious recovery from being a victim of domestic violence in  March 2014 by her son. With fashion is her passion, Cynthia decided to turn her  pain into a story to help others enjoy life through style.  

Fashion is a form of expression. Cynthia displays this through her Bold Colors and Unique Contrasting Patterns that accent her tagline: “Her Story Continues.” Cynthia believes that we all have a narrative and she is grateful to be alive to tell  hers. One of her mottos is: “You don’t know my story until you’ve walked in my  shoes.” Cynthia’s long-term goal is to open a center for abused women that  encompasses the total woman. She loves to give because, “God Blessed me to  Live!”

About CMB.

Essences of a Stylist

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The Looks of a Stylist
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